EVO HTML to PDF Converter

PdfFooterOptions Properties

EVO PDF Client for .NET Documentation

The PdfFooterOptions type exposes the following members.


Public propertyFooterBackColor
The background color of the footer.
Public propertyFooterHeight
Gets or sets the height in points of the footer. 1 point is 1/72 inch.
Public propertyPageNumberingPageCountIncrement
Gets or sets an increment for the total number of pages displayed using &P; variable in a TextElement object added to the footer.
Public propertyPageNumberingStartIndex
Gets or sets the start index for page numbering using the &p; variable in a TextElement object added to the footer.
Public propertyShowInEvenPages
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the header is displayed int the even pages of the PDF document
Public propertyShowInFirstPage
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the header is displayed in the first page of the PDF document
Public propertyShowInOddPages
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the header is displayed in the odd pages of the PDF document
See Also
