EVO PDF Split Library for .NET Documentation

PDFSplitManagerExtractPagesFromMemoryToMemory Method

EVO PDF Split Library for .NET
Overload List

Public methodExtractPagesFromMemoryToMemory(Byte, Int32, Int32)
Extracts specified number of pages from the specified source PDF document starting from the specified page number and creates a new PDF document containing the extracted pages
Public methodExtractPagesFromMemoryToMemory(Byte, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
This method is similar to ExtractPagesFromMemoryToMemory with 'repeatCount' parameter but instead of exctracting a specified number of chunks, the chunks are extracted until the end of the document is reached when the 'repeatToEnd' parameter is true
Public methodExtractPagesFromMemoryToMemory(Byte, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Extracts 'repeatCount' times the specified number of pages from the specified source PDF document starting from the specified page number and creates a new PDF document for each set of extracted pages. Each set of extracted pages has 'splitPageCount' pages.
See Also
