Package com.evopdf

Class HtmlToPdfElement

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class HtmlToPdfElement extends PageGraphicElement
This class encapsulates a HTML to PDF converter functionality. Objects of this class can be added at any location in a PDF page or Template to render HTML. The conversion is performed when the element is added to a page or Template
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    The default virtual browser height in pixels is set to autodetect the HTML content height.
    static final int
    The default width in PDF of the element is set to available width in PDF page.
    static final int
    The default width in PDF of the element is set to available width in PDF page.
    static final int
    The default virtual browser width in pixels
  • Constructor Summary

    HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, float width, float height, String urlToConvert)
    Creates an URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height
    HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, float width, float height, String urlToConvert, int htmlViewerWidth, int htmlViewerHeight)
    Creates a URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a document URL to resolve the internal links.
    HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, float width, float height, String htmlStringToConvert, String htmlStringBaseURL)
    Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links
    HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, float width, float height, String htmlStringToConvert, String htmlStringBaseURL, int htmlViewerWidth, int htmlViewerHeight)
    Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links.
    HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, float width, String urlToConvert)
    Creates an URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width.
    HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, float width, String urlToConvert, int htmlViewerWidth)
    Creates an URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width.
    HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, float width, String htmlStringToConvert, String htmlStringBaseURL)
    Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links.
    HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, float width, String htmlStringToConvert, String htmlStringBaseURL, int htmlViewerWidth)
    Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links.
    HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, String urlToConvert)
    Creates an URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates in PDF page.
    HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, String htmlStringToConvert, String htmlStringBaseURL)
    Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates in PDF page using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links.
    HtmlToPdfElement(String urlToConvert)
    Creates an URL to PDF converter element at the (0,0) location in PDF page.
    HtmlToPdfElement(String htmlStringToConvert, String htmlStringBaseURL)
    Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element that will be rendered at the (0,0) location in PDF page using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This property can be set with an username and a password in order to authenticate to the web server before accessing the URL to be converted in HTML to PDF Converter.
    Gets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements to not be broken between PDF pages if possible
    Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will try to avoid cutting off the images between PDF pages
    Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will try to avoid cutting off the text between PDF pages
    Gets the base URL of the HTML string to be converted to PDF
    Gets the space in points to introduce at the bottom of PDF pages where the HTML is rendered.
    Gets a flag indicating if the HTML content is clipped by HTML viewer window width
    Gets the additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be completely loaded or for a web page redirect to finish before starting the rendering in HTML to PDF converter.
    Gets the default HTML document text encoding to be used if there is no charset meta tag defined in the HTML document
    Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter should try to download all the resources
    Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will embed all the true type fonts in the PDF document
    Gets the flag indicating if the accelerated CSS 3D transformations are enabled in the HTML to PDF converter.
    Gets the flag indicating if the accelerated 2D canvas is enabled in the HTML to PDF converter
    Gets the flag indicating if the HTTP2 protocol is enabled in in HTML to PDF element converter.
    Gets the flag indicating if the persistent local storage is enabled in converter
    Gets the flag indicating if the WebGL is enabled in the HTML to PDF converter
    Gets the flag indicating the PDF graphics are rendered at the best quality in the PDF document
    Gets the flag indicating if the HTML viewer extensions are executed during HTML to PDF conversion
    Gets the fag indicating if the HTML content will be resized if necessary to fit the available height in PDF page
    Gets the fag indicating if the HTML content will be resized if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page
    Gets the height in points of the destination rectangle in PDF page where the HTML content is rendered
    Gets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements to be excluded from rendering during HTML to PDF conversion
    Gets the HTML string to be converted to PDF
    Gets an object populated after conversion with the title, keywords, and description of the converted HTML document
    Gets a reference to the object that can be used to obtain the position in PDF of the HTML elements rendered by the HTML to PDF converter.
    Gets the HTML viewer height in pixels in the HTML to PDF converter element
    Gets the preferred HTML viewer width in pixels in HTML to PDF converter element
    Gets the HTML viewer zoom percentage in HTML to PDF element similar to zoom level in a browser
    Returns the collection of HTTP POST fields to be used when accessing a web page in HTML to PDF converter.
    Gets a collection of custom HTTP cookies to be sent by the HTML to PDF converter to the web server when the web page to convert and the resources (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page are requested.
    Gets a collection of custom HTTP headers to be sent by the HTML to PDF converter to the web server when the web page is requested from a URL.
    Gets the maximum height in pixels of an image part in HTML to PDF converter
    Gets the flag indicating if the images scaling is allowed in the PDF document
    The impersonation options applied during navigation in HTML to PDF converter
    Gets the initial height in pixels of the HTML viewer in HTML to PDF converter
    Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF element will always insert a new page in the PDF document when rendering next page instead of trying to use an already existing PDF page
    Gets the flag indicating if the interactive features are enabled for hidden HTML elements
    Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter to convert the internal HTML links (links with anchors) to internal PDF links in the PDF document
    Gets the flag indicating if the slow JavaScript script should be interrupted in HTML to PDF converter
    Gets the flag indicating if JavaScript execution is enabled in HTML to PDF converter
    Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will convert the external links from HTML to PDF links in the PDF document
    Gets the a flag indicating if the access to local files is enabled in the HTML to PDF element
    Gets the additional time in seconds to wait after manual triggering before starting the rendering.
    Gets the maximum height in pixels to be rendered from the HTML document by the HTML to PDF converter
    Gets the media type of the HTML document used by the HTML to PDF converter
    Gets the minimum height in pixels to be rendered from the HTML document by the HTML to PDF converter
    Gets the navigation timeout in seconds
    Gets the custom user agent to be used when accessing the HTML page
    Gets the flag indicating if the hidden elements are rendered in the PDF document
    Gets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements after which to force a page break in PDF document
    Gets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements before which to force a page break in PDF document
    Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF element can be paginated to render many PDF pages if necessary
    Gets a reference to the object controlling the bookmarks creation for the rendered PDF document.
    Gets a reference to the object controlling the automatic conversion of a HTML form to a PDF form in the generated PDF document
    Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will send the custom headers defined by the httpRequestHeaders() property each time an external resource (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page is requested
    Gets the flag indicating if the fonts with PostScript outlines are enabled in HTML during the HTML to PDF conversion
    Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter should perform a pre-rendering
    Gets a reference to an object encapsulating the proxy options used by HTML to PDF converter to access the HTML document to convert
    Gets the CSS selector of the HTML element to be rendered to PDF by the HTML to PDF converter
    Gets the bounds of the rendered rectangle on each PDF page.
    Sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements to not be broken between PDF pages if possible
    setAvoidImageBreak(boolean avoidImageBreak)
    Sets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will try to avoid cutting off the images between PDF pages
    setAvoidTextBreak(boolean avoidTextBreak)
    Sets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will try to avoid cutting off the text between PDF pages.
    setBaseUrl(String htmlStringBaseURL)
    Sets the base URL of the HTML string to be converted to PDF
    setBottomSpacing(float bottomSpacing)
    Sets the space in points to introduce at the bottom of PDF pages where the HTML is rendered.
    setClipHtmlView(boolean clipView)
    Sets a flag indicating if the HTML content is clipped by HTML viewer window width.
    setConversionDelay(int delay)
    Sets an additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be completely loaded or for a web page redirect to finish before starting the rendering in HTML to PDF converter.
    Sets the default HTML document text encoding to be used if there is no charset meta tag defined in the HTML document
    setDownloadAllResources(boolean download)
    Sets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter should try to download all the resources even if this could cause a slower conversion.
    setEmbedFonts(boolean embedFonts)
    Sets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will embed all the true type fonts in the PDF document.
    setEnable3DTransformations(boolean enabled)
    Gets or sets a flag indicating if the accelerated CSS 3D transformations are enabled in the HTML to PDF converter.
    Sets the flag indicating if the accelerated 2D canvas is enabled in the HTML to PDF converter.
    setEnableHttp2(boolean enabled)
    Sets the flag indicating if the the HTTP2 protocol is enabled in in HTML to PDF element converter.
    setEnablePersistentStorage(boolean enabled)
    Sets the flag indicating if the persistent local storage is enabled in converter.
    setEnableWebGL(boolean enabled)
    Sets a flag indicating if the WebGL is enabled in the HTML to PDF converter.
    setEnhancedGraphicsQuality(boolean enabled)
    Sets the flag indicating the PDF graphics are rendered at the best quality in the PDF document.
    setExtensionsEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Sets a flag indicating if the HTML viewer extensions are executed during HTML to PDF conversion.
    setFitHeight(boolean fitHeight)
    Sets the fag indicating if the HTML content will be resized if necessary to fit the available height in PDF page.
    setFitWidth(boolean fitWidth)
    Sets the fag indicating if the HTML content will be resized if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page.
    setHeight(float height)
    Sets the height in points of the destination rectangle in PDF page where the HTML content is rendered.
    setHiddenHtmlElementsSelectors(String[] hiddenHtmlElementsSelectors)
    Sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements to be excluded from rendering during HTML to PDF conversion
    setHtml(String htmlStringToConvert)
    Sets the HTML string to be converted to PDF
    setHtmlViewerHeight(int viewerHeight)
    Sets the HTML viewer height in pixels in the HTML to PDF converter element.
    setHtmlViewerWidth(int viewerWidth)
    Gets or sets the preferred HTML viewer width in pixels in HTML to PDF converter element.
    setHtmlViewerZoom(int viewerZoom)
    Sets HTML viewer zoom percentage in HTML to PDF element similar to zoom level in a browser.
    setImagePartSize(int height)
    Sets the maximum height in pixels of an image part in HTML to PDF converter
    setImagesScalingEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Sets flag indicating if the images scaling is allowed in the PDF document.
    setInitialHtmlViewerHeight(int initialHeight)
    Sets the initial height in pixels of the HTML viewer in HTML to PDF converter.
    setInsertNewPagesEnabled(boolean insertNewPagesEnabled)
    Sets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF element will always insert a new page in the PDF document when rendering next page instead of trying to use an already existing PDF page.
    Sets the flag indicating if the interactive features are enabled for hidden HTML elements.
    setInternalLinksEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Sets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter to convert the internal HTML links (links with anchors) to internal PDF links in the PDF document.
    setInterruptSlowJavaScript(boolean interrupt)
    Sets a flag indicating if the slow JavaScript script should be interrupted in HTML to PDF converter.
    setJavaScriptEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Sets a flag indicating if JavaScript execution is enabled in HTML to PDF converter.
    setLiveUrlsEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Sets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will convert the external links from HTML to PDF links in the PD.
    setLocalFilesAccessEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Sets the flag indicating if the access to local files is enabled in the HTML to PDF element.
    Sets an additional time in seconds to wait after manual triggering before starting the rendering.
    setMaxHtmlViewerHeight(int maxHeight)
    Sets the maximum height in pixels to be rendered from the HTML document by the HTML to PDF converter.
    Sets the media type of the HTML document used by the HTML to PDF converter.
    setMinHtmlViewerHeight(int minHeight)
    Sets the minimum height in pixels to be rendered from the HTML document by the HTML to PDF converter.
    setNavigationTimeout(int timeout)
    Sets the HTML to PDF converter navigation timeout in seconds.
    setNavigatorUserAgent(String navigatorUserAgent)
    Sets the custom user agent to be used when accessing the HTML page.
    setNoSizeElementsEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Sets flag indicating if the hidden elements are rendered in the PDF document.
    Sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements after which to force a page break in PDF document
    Sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements before which to force a page break in PDF document
    setPaginate(boolean paginate)
    Sets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF element can be paginated to render many PDF pages if necessary
    setPersistentHttpRequestHeaders(boolean persistentHttpRequestHeaders)
    Sets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will send the custom headers defined by the httpRequestHeaders() property each time an external resource (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page is requested.
    setPostScriptFontsEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Sets a flag indicating if the fonts with PostScript outlines are enabled in HTML during the HTML to PDF conversion.
    setPrerenderEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Sets a flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter should perform a pre-rendering.
    Gets or sets the CSS selector of the HTML element to be rendered to PDF by the HTML to PDF converter.
    setShowFooterInEvenPages(boolean showFooterInEvenPages)
    Sets flag indicating if the footer is displayed in the even pages of the PDF document where this element is rendered
    setShowFooterInOddPages(boolean showFooterInOddPages)
    Sets the flag indicating if the footer is displayed in the odd pages of the PDF document where this element is rendered
    setShowHeaderInEvenPages(boolean showHeaderInEvenPages)
    Sets flag indicating if the header is displayed in the even pages of the PDF document where this element is rendered
    setShowHeaderInOddPages(boolean showHeaderInOddPages)
    Sets the flag indicating if the header is displayed in the odd pages of the PDF document where this element is rendered
    setStackRepeatedTableFooters(boolean stackTableFooters)
    Gets or sets a flag indicating if the repeated HTML table footers are stacked at the bottom of the PDF page when multiple HTML tables have repeated footers on that PDF page.
    setStackRepeatedTableHeaders(boolean stackTableHeaders)
    Sets the flag indicating if the repeated HTML table headers are stacked at the top of the PDF page when multiple HTML tables have repeated headers on that PDF page.
    setStretchToFit(boolean stretchToFit)
    Sets the value of the flag indicating if the HTML content will be stretched if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page.
    setSvgFontsEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Sets a flag indicating if the SVG fonts are enabled in HTML during the HTML to PDF conversion.
    setTableFooterRepeatEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Sets the flag indicating if the repeating of the HTML table footer in PDF pages is enabled in the PDF document.
    setTableHeaderRepeatEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Sets the flag indicating if the repeating of the HTML table header in PDF pages is enabled in the PDF document.
    setTableOfContentsEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Sets flag indicating if this HTML to PDF element can contribute to the PDF document table of contents.
    setTopSpacing(float topSpacig)
    Sets the space in points to introduce at the top of PDF pages where the HTML is rendered.
    setTransparentImagesEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Sets flag indicating if the converter uses transparency information of the images in the PDF document The default property value is true
    Sets the conversion triggering mode used by the HTML to PDF converter
    setUrl(String urlToConvert)
    Sets the URL of the HTML document to be converted to PDF
    setWebFontsEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Sets the flag indicating if the Web Fonts are enabled in HTML during the HTML to PDF conversion
    setWidth(float width)
    Sets the width in points of the destination rectangle in PDF page where the HTML content is rendered.
    setX(float x)
    Sets the X coordinate in points where to start HTML rendering in first page.
    setXPSupplementalLanguages(boolean enabled)
    Sets the flag in HTML to PDF converter indicating if the supplemental languages (complex script, right-to-left, East Asian) support was enabled in Windows XP Regional and Language Options.
    setY(float y)
    Sets the Y coordinate in points where to start HTML rendering in first page.
    Gets the flag indicating if the footer is displayed in the even pages of the PDF document where this element is rendered
    Gets the flag indicating if the footer is displayed in the odd pages of the PDF document where this element is rendered
    Gets the flag indicating if the header is displayed in the even pages of the PDF document where this element is rendered
    Gets the flag indicating if the header is displayed in the odd pages of the PDF document where this element is rendered
    Gets the flag indicating if the repeated HTML table footers are stacked at the bottom of the PDF page when multiple HTML tables have repeated footers on that PDF page
    Gets the flag indicating if the repeated HTML table headers are stacked at the top of the PDF page when multiple HTML tables have repeated headers on that PDF page
    Gets the value of the flag indicating if the HTML content will be stretched if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page
    Gets the flag indicating if the SVG fonts are enabled in HTML during the HTML to PDF conversion
    Gets the flag indicating if the repeating of the HTML table footer in PDF pages is enabled in the PDF document
    Gets the flag indicating if the repeating of the HTML table header in PDF pages is enabled in the PDF document
    Gets the flag indicating if this HTML to PDF element can contribute to the PDF document table of contents
    Gets the flag indicating if rendering of HTML document is tiled in the PDF document
    tiledRenderingEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Sets the flag indicating if rendering of HTML document is tiled in the PDF document.
    Gets the space in points to introduce at the top of PDF pages where the HTML is rendered.
    Gets the flag indicating if the converter uses transparency information of the images in the PDF document
    Gets the conversion triggering mode used by the HTML to PDF converter
    Gets the URL of the HTML document to be converted to PDF
    Gets the flag indicating if the Web Fonts are enabled in HTML during the HTML to PDF conversion
    Gets the width in points of the destination rectangle in PDF page where the HTML content is rendered
    Gets the X coordinate in points where to start HTML rendering in first page.
    Gets the flag in HTML to PDF converter indicating if the supplemental languages (complex script, right-to-left, East Asian) support was enabled in Windows XP Regional and Language Options
    Gets the Y coordinate in points where to start HTML rendering in first page.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final int DEFAULT_HTML_VIEWER_WIDTH_PX
      The default virtual browser width in pixels
      See Also:

      public static final int AUTO_HTML_VIEWER_HEIGHT_PX
      The default virtual browser height in pixels is set to autodetect the HTML content height.
      See Also:

      public static final int AVAILABLE_PDF_WIDTH_POINTS
      The default width in PDF of the element is set to available width in PDF page.
      See Also:

      public static final int AUTO_PDF_HEIGHT_POINTS
      The default width in PDF of the element is set to available width in PDF page.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • HtmlToPdfElement

      public HtmlToPdfElement(String htmlStringToConvert, String htmlStringBaseURL)
      Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element that will be rendered at the (0,0) location in PDF page using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links. The width of element in PDF page is the available width in PDF page and the height is auto determined
      htmlStringToConvert - The HTML string to convert to PDF
      htmlStringBaseURL - The full URL of the page from where this String was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML String. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL
    • HtmlToPdfElement

      public HtmlToPdfElement(String urlToConvert)
      Creates an URL to PDF converter element at the (0,0) location in PDF page. The width of element in PDF page is the available width in PDF page and the height is auto determined
      urlToConvert - the URL to convert to PDF
    • HtmlToPdfElement

      public HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, String htmlStringToConvert, String htmlStringBaseURL)
      Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates in PDF page using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links. The width of element in PDF page is the available width in PDF page and the height is auto determined
      x - the x position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      y - the y position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      htmlStringToConvert - the HTML string to convert to PDF
      htmlStringBaseURL - the full URL of the page from where this String was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML String. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used
    • HtmlToPdfElement

      public HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, String urlToConvert)
      Creates an URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates in PDF page. The width of element in PDF page is the available width in PDF page and the height is auto determined
      x - the x position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      y - the y position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      urlToConvert - the URL to convert to PDF
    • HtmlToPdfElement

      public HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, float width, String htmlStringToConvert, String htmlStringBaseURL)
      Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links. The height in PDF is auto determined
      x - the x position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      y - the y position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      width - the destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page
      htmlStringToConvert - the HTML string to convert to PDF
      htmlStringBaseURL - the full URL of the page from where this String was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML String. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used
    • HtmlToPdfElement

      public HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, float width, String urlToConvert)
      Creates an URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width. The height in PDF is auto determined
      x - the x position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      y - the y position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      width - the destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page
      urlToConvert - the URL to convert to PDF
    • HtmlToPdfElement

      public HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, float width, float height, String htmlStringToConvert, String htmlStringBaseURL)
      Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links
      x - the x position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      y - the y position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      width - the destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page
      height - the destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or automatic page breaks
      htmlStringToConvert - the HTML string to convert to PDF
      htmlStringBaseURL - the full URL of the page from where this String was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML String. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used
    • HtmlToPdfElement

      public HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, float width, float height, String urlToConvert)
      Creates an URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height
      x - the x position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      y - the y position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      width - the destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page
      height - the destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or automatic page breaks
      urlToConvert - the URL to convert to PDF
    • HtmlToPdfElement

      public HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, float width, String htmlStringToConvert, String htmlStringBaseURL, int htmlViewerWidth)
      Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links. The height in PDF is auto determined. The virtual browser width in pixels is specified by the htmlViewerWidth parameter
      x - the x position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      y - the y position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      width - the destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page
      htmlStringToConvert - the HTML string to convert to PDF
      htmlStringBaseURL - the full URL of the page from where this String was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML String. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used
      htmlViewerWidth - the virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width
    • HtmlToPdfElement

      public HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, float width, String urlToConvert, int htmlViewerWidth)
      Creates an URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width. The height in PDF is auto determined. The virtual browser width in pixels is specified by the htmlViewerWidth parameter
      x - the x position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      y - the y position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      width - the destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page
      urlToConvert - the URL to convert to PDF
      htmlViewerWidth - the virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width
    • HtmlToPdfElement

      public HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, float width, float height, String htmlStringToConvert, String htmlStringBaseURL, int htmlViewerWidth, int htmlViewerHeight)
      Creates a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a base URL to resolve the external resources and a document URL to resolve the internal links. The virtual browser width and height in pixels is specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight parameters
      x - the x position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      y - the y position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      width - the destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page
      height - the destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or automatic page breaks
      htmlStringToConvert - the HTML string to convert to PDF
      htmlStringBaseURL - the full URL of the page from where this String was taken used to resolve the images and CSS files referenced by a relative URL in the HTML String. This parameter is optional and the default value is NULL. When this parameter is NULL no base URL will be used
      htmlViewerWidth - the virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width
      htmlViewerHeight - the virtual browser height in pixels. The default value is 0 which means the height will be auto-determined. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width and height. When this parameter is less or equal to 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the HTML page height from the HTML document content
    • HtmlToPdfElement

      public HtmlToPdfElement(float x, float y, float width, float height, String urlToConvert, int htmlViewerWidth, int htmlViewerHeight)
      Creates a URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height using a document URL to resolve the internal links. The virtual browser width and height in pixels are specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight parameters
      x - the x position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      y - the y position in points where the rendered content will be placed
      width - the destination width in points for the rendered content. If the specified with is less or equal 0, the destination width will be given by the available width in page
      height - the destination height in points for the rendered content. If the specified height is less or equal 0, the destination height will be auto determined so all the content can be rendered. Please note that the specified height is the effective height that will be rendered in the PDF document and does not include for example the empty spaces introduced by custom or automatic page breaks
      urlToConvert - the URL to convert to PDF
      htmlViewerWidth - the virtual browser width in pixels. The default value is 1024 pixels. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width
      htmlViewerHeight - the virtual browser height in pixels. The default value is 0 which means the height will be auto-determined. The effect of this parameter is similar with viewing the HTML page in a browser window with the specified width and height. When this parameter is less or equal to 0, the converter will try to auto-determine the HTML page height from the HTML document content
  • Method Details

    • htmlViewerWidth

      public int htmlViewerWidth()
      Gets the preferred HTML viewer width in pixels in HTML to PDF converter element
      the preferred HTML viewer width in pixels
    • setHtmlViewerWidth

      public void setHtmlViewerWidth(int viewerWidth)
      Gets or sets the preferred HTML viewer width in pixels in HTML to PDF converter element. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the clipHtmlView() property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. By default the clipHtmlView() property is false and the HTML viewer is automatically extended in width to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width can also be specified in the HtmlToPdfElement class constructor. The default value is 1024 pixels
      viewerWidth - the HTML viewer width to set
    • htmlViewerHeight

      public int htmlViewerHeight()
      Gets the HTML viewer height in pixels in the HTML to PDF converter element
      the HTML viewer height
    • setHtmlViewerHeight

      public void setHtmlViewerHeight(int viewerHeight)
      Sets the HTML viewer height in pixels in the HTML to PDF converter element. If the specified HTML viewer height is 0 the HTML viewer height will be automatically determined based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width in order to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width is given by the htmlViewerWidth() property of the HtmlToPdfElement class. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the clipHtmlView() property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer height can also be specified in the HtmlToPdfElement class constructor. The default value is 0 to automatically determine the HTML viewer height based on the HTML content and the HTML viewer width
      viewerHeight - the HTML viewer height to set
    • setNavigatorUserAgent

      public void setNavigatorUserAgent(String navigatorUserAgent)
      Sets the custom user agent to be used when accessing the HTML page. When this property is null or empty the default user agent is used
      navigatorUserAgent - the custom user agent to set
    • htmlViewerZoom

      public int htmlViewerZoom()
      Gets the HTML viewer zoom percentage in HTML to PDF element similar to zoom level in a browser
      the HTML viewer zoom
    • setHtmlViewerZoom

      public void setHtmlViewerZoom(int viewerZoom)
      Sets HTML viewer zoom percentage in HTML to PDF element similar to zoom level in a browser. The default value of this property is 100
      viewerZoom - the HTML viewer zoom to set
    • clipHtmlView

      public boolean clipHtmlView()
      Gets a flag indicating if the HTML content is clipped by HTML viewer window width
      the HTML content clipping option
    • setClipHtmlView

      public void setClipHtmlView(boolean clipView)
      Sets a flag indicating if the HTML content is clipped by HTML viewer window width. If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer of the HTML to PDF converter at the specified width, this property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width is given by the htmlViewerWidth() property. The default value of this property is false
      clipView - the HTML clipping option value
    • url

      public String url()
      Gets the URL of the HTML document to be converted to PDF
      the URL of the HTML document to be converted to PDF
    • setUrl

      public void setUrl(String urlToConvert)
      Sets the URL of the HTML document to be converted to PDF
      urlToConvert - the URL of the HTML document to be converted to PDF
    • html

      public String html()
      Gets the HTML string to be converted to PDF
      the HTML string to be converted to PDF
    • setHtml

      public void setHtml(String htmlStringToConvert)
      Sets the HTML string to be converted to PDF
      htmlStringToConvert - the HTML string to be converted to PDF
    • baseUrl

      public String baseUrl()
      Gets the base URL of the HTML string to be converted to PDF
      the base URL of the HTML string to be converted to PDF
    • setBaseUrl

      public void setBaseUrl(String htmlStringBaseURL)
      Sets the base URL of the HTML string to be converted to PDF
      htmlStringBaseURL - the base URL of the HTML string to be converted to PDF
    • x

      public float x()
      Gets the X coordinate in points where to start HTML rendering in first page.
      the X coordinate
    • setX

      public void setX(float x)
      Sets the X coordinate in points where to start HTML rendering in first page. By default the left location is 0
      x - the X coordinate
    • y

      public float y()
      Gets the Y coordinate in points where to start HTML rendering in first page. By default the top location is 0
      the Y coordinate
    • setY

      public void setY(float y)
      Sets the Y coordinate in points where to start HTML rendering in first page. By default the top location is 0
      y - the Y coordinate
    • width

      public float width()
      Gets the width in points of the destination rectangle in PDF page where the HTML content is rendered
      the width in points of the destination rectangle
    • setWidth

      public void setWidth(float width)
      Sets the width in points of the destination rectangle in PDF page where the HTML content is rendered. By default the destination width is the available width in PDF page
      width - the width in points of the destination rectangle
    • height

      public float height()
      Gets the height in points of the destination rectangle in PDF page where the HTML content is rendered
      the height in points of the destination rectangle
    • setHeight

      public void setHeight(float height)
      Sets the height in points of the destination rectangle in PDF page where the HTML content is rendered. By default the destination height is automatically calculated to render the whole HTML content
      height - the height in points of the destination rectangle
    • topSpacing

      public float topSpacing()
      Gets the space in points to introduce at the top of PDF pages where the HTML is rendered. 1 point is 1/72 inch
      the space in points to introduce at the top of PDF pages
    • setTopSpacing

      public void setTopSpacing(float topSpacig)
      Sets the space in points to introduce at the top of PDF pages where the HTML is rendered. 1 point is 1/72 inch. By default the top spacing is 0
      topSpacig - the space in points to introduce at the top of PDF pages
    • bottomSpacing

      public float bottomSpacing()
      Gets the space in points to introduce at the bottom of PDF pages where the HTML is rendered. 1 point is 1/72 inch. By default the bottom spacing is 0
      the space in points to introduce at the bottom of PDF pages
    • setBottomSpacing

      public void setBottomSpacing(float bottomSpacing)
      Sets the space in points to introduce at the bottom of PDF pages where the HTML is rendered. 1 point is 1/72 inch. By default the bottom spacing is 0
      bottomSpacing - the space in points to introduce at the bottom of PDF pages
    • avoidTextBreak

      public boolean avoidTextBreak()
      Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will try to avoid cutting off the text between PDF pages
      the flag value
    • setAvoidTextBreak

      public void setAvoidTextBreak(boolean avoidTextBreak)
      Sets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will try to avoid cutting off the text between PDF pages. By default this property is true
      avoidTextBreak - the flag value to set
    • avoidImageBreak

      public boolean avoidImageBreak()
      Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will try to avoid cutting off the images between PDF pages
      the flag value
    • setAvoidImageBreak

      public void setAvoidImageBreak(boolean avoidImageBreak)
      Sets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will try to avoid cutting off the images between PDF pages
      avoidImageBreak - the flag value
    • avoidHtmlElementsBreakSelectors

      public String[] avoidHtmlElementsBreakSelectors()
      Gets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements to not be broken between PDF pages if possible
      the CSS selectors
    • setAvoidHtmlElementsBreakSelectors

      public void setAvoidHtmlElementsBreakSelectors(String[] selectors)
      Sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements to not be broken between PDF pages if possible
      selectors - the CSS selectors to set
    • pageBreakBeforeHtmlElementsSelectors

      public String[] pageBreakBeforeHtmlElementsSelectors()
      Gets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements before which to force a page break in PDF document
      the CSS selectors
    • setPageBreakBeforeHtmlElementsSelectors

      public void setPageBreakBeforeHtmlElementsSelectors(String[] selectors)
      Sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements before which to force a page break in PDF document
      selectors - the CSS selectors to set
    • pageBreakAfterHtmlElementsSelectors

      public String[] pageBreakAfterHtmlElementsSelectors()
      Gets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements after which to force a page break in PDF document
      the CSS selectors
    • setPageBreakAfterHtmlElementsSelectors

      public void setPageBreakAfterHtmlElementsSelectors(String[] selectors)
      Sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements after which to force a page break in PDF document
      selectors - the CSS selectors to set
    • fitWidth

      public boolean fitWidth()
      Gets the fag indicating if the HTML content will be resized if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page
      the flag value
    • setFitWidth

      public void setFitWidth(boolean fitWidth)
      Sets the fag indicating if the HTML content will be resized if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page. When false the HTML content will be rendered at the real size. By default this property is true and the content will be resized if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page
      fitWidth - the flag value to set
    • fitHeight

      public boolean fitHeight()
      Gets the fag indicating if the HTML content will be resized if necessary to fit the available height in PDF page
      the flag value
    • setFitHeight

      public void setFitHeight(boolean fitHeight)
      Sets the fag indicating if the HTML content will be resized if necessary to fit the available height in PDF page. By default this property is false
      fitHeight - the flag value to set
    • stretchToFit

      public boolean stretchToFit()
      Gets the value of the flag indicating if the HTML content will be stretched if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page
      the flag value
    • setStretchToFit

      public void setStretchToFit(boolean stretchToFit)
      Sets the value of the flag indicating if the HTML content will be stretched if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page. This property has effect in HTML to PDF converter only when fitWidth() property is true. When fitWidth() is true and this property is true the HTML content will be stretched if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page. By default this property is false and the content will not be stretched to fit the available width in PDF page
      stretchToFit - the flag value to set
    • liveUrlsEnabled

      public boolean liveUrlsEnabled()
      Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will convert the external links from HTML to PDF links in the PDF document
      the flag value
    • setLiveUrlsEnabled

      public void setLiveUrlsEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will convert the external links from HTML to PDF links in the PD. The default value is true
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • interactiveHiddenElements

      public boolean interactiveHiddenElements()
      Gets the flag indicating if the interactive features are enabled for hidden HTML elements
      the flag value
    • setInteractiveHiddenElements

      public void setInteractiveHiddenElements(boolean enabled)
      Sets the flag indicating if the interactive features are enabled for hidden HTML elements. This property is false by default
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • internalLinksEnabled

      public boolean internalLinksEnabled()
      Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter to convert the internal HTML links (links with anchors) to internal PDF links in the PDF document
      the flag value
    • setInternalLinksEnabled

      public void setInternalLinksEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter to convert the internal HTML links (links with anchors) to internal PDF links in the PDF document. The default value is true
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • javaScriptEnabled

      public boolean javaScriptEnabled()
      Gets the flag indicating if JavaScript execution is enabled in HTML to PDF converter
      the flag indicating if JavaScript execution is enabled in HTML to PDF converter
    • setJavaScriptEnabled

      public void setJavaScriptEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets a flag indicating if JavaScript execution is enabled in HTML to PDF converter. The default is true
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • enable3DTransformations

      public boolean enable3DTransformations()
      Gets the flag indicating if the accelerated CSS 3D transformations are enabled in the HTML to PDF converter. The default value is false
      the flag indicating if the accelerated CSS 3D transformations are enabled in the HTML to PDF converter
    • setEnable3DTransformations

      public void setEnable3DTransformations(boolean enabled)
      Gets or sets a flag indicating if the accelerated CSS 3D transformations are enabled in the HTML to PDF converter. The default value is false
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • enableWebGL

      public boolean enableWebGL()
      Gets the flag indicating if the WebGL is enabled in the HTML to PDF converter
      the flag indicating if the WebGL is enabled in the HTML to PDF converter
    • setEnableWebGL

      public void setEnableWebGL(boolean enabled)
      Sets a flag indicating if the WebGL is enabled in the HTML to PDF converter. The default value is false
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • enableAccelerated2DCanvas

      public boolean enableAccelerated2DCanvas()
      Gets the flag indicating if the accelerated 2D canvas is enabled in the HTML to PDF converter
      the flag indicating if the accelerated 2D canvas is enabled in the HTML to PDF converter
    • setEnableAccelerated2DCanvas

      public void setEnableAccelerated2DCanvas(boolean enabled)
      Sets the flag indicating if the accelerated 2D canvas is enabled in the HTML to PDF converter. The default value is false
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • enablePersistentStorage

      public boolean enablePersistentStorage()
      Gets the flag indicating if the persistent local storage is enabled in converter
      the flag indicating if the persistent local storage is enabled in converter
    • setEnablePersistentStorage

      public void setEnablePersistentStorage(boolean enabled)
      Sets the flag indicating if the persistent local storage is enabled in converter. The default value is false
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • localFilesAccessEnabled

      public boolean localFilesAccessEnabled()
      Gets the a flag indicating if the access to local files is enabled in the HTML to PDF element
      flag indicating if the access to local files is enabled in the HTML to PDF Converter
    • setLocalFilesAccessEnabled

      public void setLocalFilesAccessEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets the flag indicating if the access to local files is enabled in the HTML to PDF element. The default value is true
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • paginate

      public boolean paginate()
      Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF element can be paginated to render many PDF pages if necessary
      the flag value
    • setPaginate

      public void setPaginate(boolean paginate)
      Sets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF element can be paginated to render many PDF pages if necessary
      paginate - the flag value to set
    • embedFonts

      public boolean embedFonts()
      Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will embed all the true type fonts in the PDF document
      the flag value
    • setEmbedFonts

      public void setEmbedFonts(boolean embedFonts)
      Sets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will embed all the true type fonts in the PDF document. The default value of this property is true
      embedFonts - the flag value to set
    • httpPostFields

      public NameValuePairsCollection httpPostFields()
      Returns the collection of HTTP POST fields to be used when accessing a web page in HTML to PDF converter. If there are elements in collection then the converter will make a POST request to the web page URL with the fields from this collection, otherwise it will make a GET request
      the collection of HTTP POST fields to be used when accessing a web page in HTML to PDF converter
    • mediaType

      public String mediaType()
      Gets the media type of the HTML document used by the HTML to PDF converter
      the media type used by converter
    • setMediaType

      public void setMediaType(String media)
      Sets the media type of the HTML document used by the HTML to PDF converter. The default media type is 'screen'. If you set this property with 'print' then the CSS properties defined in '@media print' rule will be used to render the document
      media - the media type to be used by converter
    • svgFontsEnabled

      public boolean svgFontsEnabled()
      Gets the flag indicating if the SVG fonts are enabled in HTML during the HTML to PDF conversion
      the flag indicating if the SVG fonts are enabled
    • setSvgFontsEnabled

      public void setSvgFontsEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets a flag indicating if the SVG fonts are enabled in HTML during the HTML to PDF conversion. The default value is false
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • webFontsEnabled

      public boolean webFontsEnabled()
      Gets the flag indicating if the Web Fonts are enabled in HTML during the HTML to PDF conversion
      the flag indicating if the Web Fonts are enabled
    • setWebFontsEnabled

      public void setWebFontsEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets the flag indicating if the Web Fonts are enabled in HTML during the HTML to PDF conversion
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • enableHttp2

      public boolean enableHttp2()
      Gets the flag indicating if the HTTP2 protocol is enabled in in HTML to PDF element converter. The property has effect only with NE version of the server
      the flag indicating if the HTTP2 protocol is enabled
    • setEnableHttp2

      public void setEnableHttp2(boolean enabled)
      Sets the flag indicating if the the HTTP2 protocol is enabled in in HTML to PDF element converter. The property has effect only with NE version of the server. The default value is false
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • postScriptFontsEnabled

      public boolean postScriptFontsEnabled()
      Gets the flag indicating if the fonts with PostScript outlines are enabled in HTML during the HTML to PDF conversion
      the flag indicating if the fonts with PostScript outlines are enabled
    • setPostScriptFontsEnabled

      public void setPostScriptFontsEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets a flag indicating if the fonts with PostScript outlines are enabled in HTML during the HTML to PDF conversion. The default value is true
      enabled - the fag value to set
    • extensionsEnabled

      public boolean extensionsEnabled()
      Gets the flag indicating if the HTML viewer extensions are executed during HTML to PDF conversion
      the flag indicating if the HTML viewer extensions are executed
    • setExtensionsEnabled

      public void setExtensionsEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets a flag indicating if the HTML viewer extensions are executed during HTML to PDF conversion. The default value is false and no extension is executed. The Flash player for Mozilla Firefox must be installed in order to execute the flash content from HTML
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • downloadAllResources

      public boolean downloadAllResources()
      Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter should try to download all the resources
      the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter should try to download all the resources
    • setDownloadAllResources

      public void setDownloadAllResources(boolean download)
      Sets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter should try to download all the resources even if this could cause a slower conversion. The default value is false
      download - the flag value to set
    • prerenderEnabled

      public boolean prerenderEnabled()
      Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter should perform a pre-rendering
      the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter should perform a pre-rendering
    • setPrerenderEnabled

      public void setPrerenderEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets a flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter should perform a pre-rendering. The default value is false
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • interruptSlowJavaScript

      public boolean interruptSlowJavaScript()
      Gets the flag indicating if the slow JavaScript script should be interrupted in HTML to PDF converter
      the flag indicating if the slow JavaScript script should be interrupted
    • setInterruptSlowJavaScript

      public void setInterruptSlowJavaScript(boolean interrupt)
      Sets a flag indicating if the slow JavaScript script should be interrupted in HTML to PDF converter. The default value is false and the scripts are not interrupted
      interrupt - the flag value to set
    • hiddenHtmlElementsSelectors

      public String[] hiddenHtmlElementsSelectors()
      Gets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements to be excluded from rendering during HTML to PDF conversion
      the CSS selectors of the HTML elements to be excluded from rendering during HTML to PDF conversion
    • setHiddenHtmlElementsSelectors

      public void setHiddenHtmlElementsSelectors(String[] hiddenHtmlElementsSelectors)
      Sets the CSS selectors of the HTML elements to be excluded from rendering during HTML to PDF conversion
      hiddenHtmlElementsSelectors - the CSS selectors of the HTML elements to be excluded from rendering during HTML to PDF conversion
    • renderedHtmlElementSelector

      public String renderedHtmlElementSelector()
      Gets the CSS selector of the HTML element to be rendered to PDF by the HTML to PDF converter
      the selector of the HTML element to be rendered
    • setRenderedHtmlElementSelector

      public void setRenderedHtmlElementSelector(String selector)
      Gets or sets the CSS selector of the HTML element to be rendered to PDF by the HTML to PDF converter. If the selector selects multiple HTML elements, only the the first one will be converted. The CSS selector is case sensitive. If this property is not set then the entire HTML document is rendered
      selector - the CSS selector of the HTML element to be rendered to PDF
    • maxHtmlViewerHeight

      public int maxHtmlViewerHeight()
      Gets the maximum height in pixels to be rendered from the HTML document by the HTML to PDF converter
      the maximum height in pixels to be rendered from the HTML document
    • setMaxHtmlViewerHeight

      public void setMaxHtmlViewerHeight(int maxHeight)
      Sets the maximum height in pixels to be rendered from the HTML document by the HTML to PDF converter. The default value is 0 and the entire HTML document is rendered
      maxHeight - the maximum height in pixels to be rendered from the HTML document
    • minHtmlViewerHeight

      public int minHtmlViewerHeight()
      Gets the minimum height in pixels to be rendered from the HTML document by the HTML to PDF converter
      the minimum height in pixels to be rendered from the HTML document
    • setMinHtmlViewerHeight

      public void setMinHtmlViewerHeight(int minHeight)
      Sets the minimum height in pixels to be rendered from the HTML document by the HTML to PDF converter. The default value is 0 and the entire HTML document is rendered
      minHeight - the minimum height in pixels to be rendered from the HTML document
    • initialHtmlViewerHeight

      public int initialHtmlViewerHeight()
      Gets the initial height in pixels of the HTML viewer in HTML to PDF converter
      the initial height in pixels of the HTML viewer
    • setInitialHtmlViewerHeight

      public void setInitialHtmlViewerHeight(int initialHeight)
      Sets the initial height in pixels of the HTML viewer in HTML to PDF converter. This value of this property is ignored if the HtmlViewerHeight property is set
      initialHeight - the initial height in pixels of the HTML viewer
    • defaultHtmlEncoding

      public String defaultHtmlEncoding()
      Gets the default HTML document text encoding to be used if there is no charset meta tag defined in the HTML document
      the default HTML document text encoding
    • setDefaultHtmlEncoding

      public void setDefaultHtmlEncoding(String encoding)
      Sets the default HTML document text encoding to be used if there is no charset meta tag defined in the HTML document
      encoding - the default HTML document text encoding
    • imagePartSize

      public int imagePartSize()
      Gets the maximum height in pixels of an image part in HTML to PDF converter
      the maximum height in pixels of an image part
    • setImagePartSize

      public void setImagePartSize(int height)
      Sets the maximum height in pixels of an image part in HTML to PDF converter
      height - the maximum height in pixels of an image part
    • triggeringMode

      public TriggeringMode triggeringMode()
      Gets the conversion triggering mode used by the HTML to PDF converter
      the conversion triggering mode
    • setTriggeringMode

      public void setTriggeringMode(TriggeringMode mode)
      Sets the conversion triggering mode used by the HTML to PDF converter
      mode - the conversion triggering mode
    • conversionDelay

      public int conversionDelay()
      Gets the additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be completely loaded or for a web page redirect to finish before starting the rendering in HTML to PDF converter. Default value is 0
      the additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be completely loaded
    • setConversionDelay

      public void setConversionDelay(int delay)
      Sets an additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be completely loaded or for a web page redirect to finish before starting the rendering in HTML to PDF converter. Default value is 0
      delay - the additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be completely loaded
    • manualTriggeringConversionDelay

      public int manualTriggeringConversionDelay()
      Gets the additional time in seconds to wait after manual triggering before starting the rendering. Default value is 0
      the additional time in seconds to wait
    • setManualTriggeringConversionDelay

      public void setManualTriggeringConversionDelay(int delay)
      Sets an additional time in seconds to wait after manual triggering before starting the rendering. Default value is 0
      delay - the additional time in seconds to wait
    • setNavigationTimeout

      public void setNavigationTimeout(int timeout)
      Sets the HTML to PDF converter navigation timeout in seconds. Default value is 60
      timeout - the HTML to PDF converter navigation timeout in seconds
    • httpRequestHeaders

      public NameValuePairsCollection httpRequestHeaders()
      Gets a collection of custom HTTP headers to be sent by the HTML to PDF converter to the web server when the web page is requested from a URL. A custom HTTP header is defined by a name and a value pair that can be added to httpRequestHeaders() collection. The persistentHttpRequestHeaders() property can be set on true to instruct the converter to send the custom headers each time an external resource (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page is requested. By default the persistentHttpRequestHeaders() property is false and the custom headers are not automatically sent to the web server when the web page resources are requested. The custom HTTP headers can be used to define cookies, authentication options, URL referrer or any other HTTP header to be sent to the web browser. The preferred method to send cookies is to use the httpRequestCookies() property
      the collection of custom HTTP headers to be sent by the HTML to PDF converter to the web server
    • persistentHttpRequestHeaders

      public boolean persistentHttpRequestHeaders()
      Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will send the custom headers defined by the httpRequestHeaders() property each time an external resource (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page is requested
      the flag value
    • setPersistentHttpRequestHeaders

      public void setPersistentHttpRequestHeaders(boolean persistentHttpRequestHeaders)
      Sets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter will send the custom headers defined by the httpRequestHeaders() property each time an external resource (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page is requested. The default value of this property is true and the custom headers are automatically sent to the web server when the web page resources are requested
      persistentHttpRequestHeaders - the flag value to set
    • httpRequestCookies

      public NameValuePairsCollection httpRequestCookies()
      Gets a collection of custom HTTP cookies to be sent by the HTML to PDF converter to the web server when the web page to convert and the resources (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page are requested. A cookie is defined by a name and a value pair that can be added to httpRequestCookies() collection
      the collection of custom HTTP cookies to be sent by the HTML to PDF converter to the web server when the web page to convert and the resources (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page are requested
    • xpSupplementalLanguages

      public boolean xpSupplementalLanguages()
      Gets the flag in HTML to PDF converter indicating if the supplemental languages (complex script, right-to-left, East Asian) support was enabled in Windows XP Regional and Language Options
      the flag in HTML to PDF converter indicating if the supplemental languages support was enabled in Windows XP
    • setXPSupplementalLanguages

      public void setXPSupplementalLanguages(boolean enabled)
      Sets the flag in HTML to PDF converter indicating if the supplemental languages (complex script, right-to-left, East Asian) support was enabled in Windows XP Regional and Language Options. The default value is false
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • tiledRenderingEnabled

      public boolean tiledRenderingEnabled()
      Gets the flag indicating if rendering of HTML document is tiled in the PDF document
      the flag value
    • tiledRenderingEnabled

      public void tiledRenderingEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets the flag indicating if rendering of HTML document is tiled in the PDF document. This property is true by default
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • insertNewPagesEnabled

      public boolean insertNewPagesEnabled()
      Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF element will always insert a new page in the PDF document when rendering next page instead of trying to use an already existing PDF page
      the flag value
    • setInsertNewPagesEnabled

      public void setInsertNewPagesEnabled(boolean insertNewPagesEnabled)
      Sets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF element will always insert a new page in the PDF document when rendering next page instead of trying to use an already existing PDF page. This property is false by default
      insertNewPagesEnabled - the flag value to set
    • enhancedGraphicsQuality

      public boolean enhancedGraphicsQuality()
      Gets the flag indicating the PDF graphics are rendered at the best quality in the PDF document
      the flag value
    • setEnhancedGraphicsQuality

      public void setEnhancedGraphicsQuality(boolean enabled)
      Sets the flag indicating the PDF graphics are rendered at the best quality in the PDF document. The default property value is true.
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • transparentImagesEnabled

      public boolean transparentImagesEnabled()
      Gets the flag indicating if the converter uses transparency information of the images in the PDF document
      the flag value
    • setTransparentImagesEnabled

      public void setTransparentImagesEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets flag indicating if the converter uses transparency information of the images in the PDF document The default property value is true
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • imagesScalingEnabled

      public boolean imagesScalingEnabled()
      Gets the flag indicating if the images scaling is allowed in the PDF document
      the flag value
    • setImagesScalingEnabled

      public void setImagesScalingEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets flag indicating if the images scaling is allowed in the PDF document. The default property value is false
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • noSizeElementsEnabled

      public boolean noSizeElementsEnabled()
      Gets the flag indicating if the hidden elements are rendered in the PDF document
      the flag value
    • setNoSizeElementsEnabled

      public void setNoSizeElementsEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets flag indicating if the hidden elements are rendered in the PDF document. The default property value is false
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • tableHeaderRepeatEnabled

      public boolean tableHeaderRepeatEnabled()
      Gets the flag indicating if the repeating of the HTML table header in PDF pages is enabled in the PDF document
      the flag value
    • setTableHeaderRepeatEnabled

      public void setTableHeaderRepeatEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets the flag indicating if the repeating of the HTML table header in PDF pages is enabled in the PDF document. Default value is true
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • tableFooterRepeatEnabled

      public boolean tableFooterRepeatEnabled()
      Gets the flag indicating if the repeating of the HTML table footer in PDF pages is enabled in the PDF document
      the flag value
    • setTableFooterRepeatEnabled

      public void setTableFooterRepeatEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets the flag indicating if the repeating of the HTML table footer in PDF pages is enabled in the PDF document. Default value is true
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • stackRepeatedTableHeaders

      public boolean stackRepeatedTableHeaders()
      Gets the flag indicating if the repeated HTML table headers are stacked at the top of the PDF page when multiple HTML tables have repeated headers on that PDF page
      the flag value
    • setStackRepeatedTableHeaders

      public void setStackRepeatedTableHeaders(boolean stackTableHeaders)
      Sets the flag indicating if the repeated HTML table headers are stacked at the top of the PDF page when multiple HTML tables have repeated headers on that PDF page. Default value is true
      stackTableHeaders - the flag value to set
    • stackRepeatedTableFooters

      public boolean stackRepeatedTableFooters()
      Gets the flag indicating if the repeated HTML table footers are stacked at the bottom of the PDF page when multiple HTML tables have repeated footers on that PDF page
      the flag value
    • setStackRepeatedTableFooters

      public void setStackRepeatedTableFooters(boolean stackTableFooters)
      Gets or sets a flag indicating if the repeated HTML table footers are stacked at the bottom of the PDF page when multiple HTML tables have repeated footers on that PDF page. Default value is true
      stackTableFooters - the flag value to set
    • proxyOptions

      public ProxyOptions proxyOptions()
      Gets a reference to an object encapsulating the proxy options used by HTML to PDF converter to access the HTML document to convert
      a reference to an object encapsulating the proxy options used by HTML to PDF converter to access the HTML document to convert
    • authenticationOptions

      public AuthenticationOptions authenticationOptions()
      This property can be set with an username and a password in order to authenticate to the web server before accessing the URL to be converted in HTML to PDF Converter. They can be used for example to resolve the IIS Integrated Windows Authentication or other types of IIS authentication
      the object encapsulating the authentication options
    • impersonationOptions

      public ImpersonationOptions impersonationOptions()
      The impersonation options applied during navigation in HTML to PDF converter
      the object encapsulating the impersonation options
    • pdfBookmarkOptions

      public PdfBookmarkOptions pdfBookmarkOptions()
      Gets a reference to the object controlling the bookmarks creation for the rendered PDF document. In order to enable creation of bookmarks you have to set the PdfBookmarkOptions.htmlElementSelectors() property of PdfBookmarkOptions class with the CSS selectors of the HTML elements you want to bookmark
      a reference to the object controlling the bookmarks creation
    • tableOfContentsEnabled

      public boolean tableOfContentsEnabled()
      Gets the flag indicating if this HTML to PDF element can contribute to the PDF document table of contents
      flag indicating if this HTML to PDF element can contribute to the PDF document table of contents
    • setTableOfContentsEnabled

      public void setTableOfContentsEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets flag indicating if this HTML to PDF element can contribute to the PDF document table of contents. The default value is true
      enabled - the flag value to set
    • pdfFormOptions

      public PdfFormOptions pdfFormOptions()
      Gets a reference to the object controlling the automatic conversion of a HTML form to a PDF form in the generated PDF document
      a reference to the object controlling the automatic conversion of a HTML form to a PDF form in the generated PDF document
    • htmlElementsMappingOptions

      public HtmlElementsMappingOptions htmlElementsMappingOptions()
      Gets a reference to the object that can be used to obtain the position in PDF of the HTML elements rendered by the HTML to PDF converter. In order to retrieve the position in PDF for a list of HTML elements, the HtmlElementsMappingOptions.htmlElementSelectors() property of HtmlElementsMappingOptions class must be set with an array of strings containing the CSS selectors of the HTML elements you want to map. The positions of the HTML elements in the generated PDF document will be returned in the HtmlElementsMappingOptions.htmlElementsMappingResult() object after the element was added to the page
      a reference to the object that can be used to obtain the position in PDF of the HTML elements rendered by the HTML to PDF converter
    • renderedPagesRectangles

      public PdfRectangle[] renderedPagesRectangles()
      Gets the bounds of the rendered rectangle on each PDF page. This property is assigned after the element has been added to a PDF page
      the bounds of the rendered rectangle on each PDF page
    • htmlDocumentInfo

      public HtmlDocumentInfo htmlDocumentInfo()
      Gets an object populated after conversion with the title, keywords, and description of the converted HTML document
      an object populated after conversion with the title, keywords, and description of the converted HTML document
    • showHeaderInOddPages

      public boolean showHeaderInOddPages()
      Gets the flag indicating if the header is displayed in the odd pages of the PDF document where this element is rendered
      the flag value
    • setShowHeaderInOddPages

      public void setShowHeaderInOddPages(boolean showHeaderInOddPages)
      Sets the flag indicating if the header is displayed in the odd pages of the PDF document where this element is rendered
      showHeaderInOddPages - the flag value to set
    • showHeaderInEvenPages

      public boolean showHeaderInEvenPages()
      Gets the flag indicating if the header is displayed in the even pages of the PDF document where this element is rendered
      the flag value
    • setShowHeaderInEvenPages

      public void setShowHeaderInEvenPages(boolean showHeaderInEvenPages)
      Sets flag indicating if the header is displayed in the even pages of the PDF document where this element is rendered
      showHeaderInEvenPages - the flag value to set
    • showFooterInOddPages

      public boolean showFooterInOddPages()
      Gets the flag indicating if the footer is displayed in the odd pages of the PDF document where this element is rendered
      the flag value
    • setShowFooterInOddPages

      public void setShowFooterInOddPages(boolean showFooterInOddPages)
      Sets the flag indicating if the footer is displayed in the odd pages of the PDF document where this element is rendered
      showFooterInOddPages - the flag value to set
    • showFooterInEvenPages

      public boolean showFooterInEvenPages()
      Gets the flag indicating if the footer is displayed in the even pages of the PDF document where this element is rendered
      the flag value
    • setShowFooterInEvenPages

      public void setShowFooterInEvenPages(boolean showFooterInEvenPages)
      Sets flag indicating if the footer is displayed in the even pages of the PDF document where this element is rendered
      showFooterInEvenPages - the flag value to set