Convert HTML to PDF in your Java Applications
EVO HTML to PDF Converter for Java offers full support for HTML tags,
CSS styles, SVG vector graphics, Canvas, Web Fonts, JavaScript, page breaks control with CSS styles, repeating HTML
table header and footer in PDF pages, live URLs and internal links in PDF, automatically
generated hierarchical bookmarks and table of contents, HTML in the headers and footers. The library is much more than a HTML to PDF converter.
You can also use it to easily merge, edit and fill existing PDF documents.
EVO HTML to PDF Converter
for Java
EVO HTML to PDF Converter client library for Java can be easily integrated in your Java applications
to convert HTML documents to PDF, raster images or SVG vector images.
The library is a powerful tool helping you to instantly create nicely formatted
and easily maintainable PDF reports directly from existing HTML reports.
The converter offers full support for HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, SVG, web fonts,
page breaks control with CSS and from API, automatically repeated HTML table header and footer,
live URLs and internal links, automatically generated hierarchical bookmarks and table of contents,
automatically generated fillable PDF forms and allows you to digitally sign and password protect
the generated PDF documents.
The library was designed and tested to work reliably in multithreaded environments which makes it
ideal for usage in high traffic websites and services.
Before starting to use the client library for Java in your applications you first have to install the EVO PDF Server as described in the sections below.
Software Download |
EVO HTML to PDF Converter for Java is distributed in a Zip archive. You can follow the link below to download the software.
The Zip archive contains the client library for Java as a JAR file for JRE 1.6 or newer, the API documentation
in HTML format and the demo applications for Java. The EVO PDF Server is a separate download.
Software Installation |
In order to use the EVO HTML to PDF Converter for Java you first have to install the EVO HTML to PDF Server.
The server was built on .NET library to extend its capabilities to other platforms and languages.
The JAR library that you link in your Java application will connect to the server to convert HTML to PDF, to Image or to SVG.
EVO HTML to PDF Converter Server can run either in a Windows Service on a Windows machine or in an Azure Cloud.
You can find detailed installation and uninstallation instructions in the Readme.txt file
from the root of the downloaded package.
Java Code Sample |
The EVO HTML to PDF Converter for Java API allows you to convert a HTML document to PDF in just a few lines a code. The programming interface is
also very rich and allows you customize the generated PDF document in various ways. The code below is copied from the Getting Started demo for
HTML to PDF Converter that you can find the in the samples folder of the software Zip package.
private byte[] convertHtmlToPdf(boolean convertURL) throws Exception
String serverIP = textServerIP.getText();
int port = Integer.parseInt(textServerPort.getText());
// create the HTML to PDF converter
HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter(serverIP, port);
// set license key
// set service password if necessary
if (textServicePassword.getText().length() > 0)
// set HTML viewer width
int viewerWidth = Integer.parseInt(textHtmlViewerWidth.getText());
// set HTML viewer height if necessary
if (textHtmlViewerHeight.getText().length() > 0) {
int viewerHeight = Integer.parseInt(textHtmlViewerHeight.getText());
// set navigation timeout
int navigationTimeout = Integer.parseInt(textHtmlViewerWidth.getText());
// set conversion delay if necessary
if (textConversionDelay.getText().length() > 0) {
int conversionDelay = Integer.parseInt(textConversionDelay.getText());
// set PDF page size
// set PDF page orientation
// set margins
int leftMargin = Integer.parseInt(textLeftMargin.getText());
int rightMargin = Integer.parseInt(textRightMargin.getText());
int topMargin = Integer.parseInt(textTopMargin.getText());
int bottomMargin = Integer.parseInt(textBottomMargin.getText());
// add header
if (chckbxAddHeader.isSelected()) {
drawHeader(htmlToPdfConverter, true);
// add footer
if (chckbxAddFooter.isSelected()) {
drawFooter(htmlToPdfConverter, true, true);
byte[] outPdfBuffer = null;
if (convertURL) {
// convert URL to PDF
String urlToConvert = textUrl.getText();
outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.convertUrl(urlToConvert);
} else {
// convert HTML to PDF
String html = textHtml.getText();
String baseUrl = textBaseUrl.getText();
outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.convertHtml(html, baseUrl);
return outPdfBuffer;